Entertainment industry Support Fund (EISF) round 2
has been released.
The full criteria can be found here: https://www.visitscotland.org/.../coronavirus-support-fund
The round 2 grant will be up to £10000 plus 15% of your 2019/2020 turnover, up to a maximum award of £20000.
Event Scotland have responded positively to feedback concerning the many issues during round one. They have taken on board many of the suggestions for improving the criteria and making the fund more accessible.
Some of the key changes that were requested and have been implemented are:
-Removing the exclusion for events businesses that have received COVID19 financial support earlier in 2020.
-Removal of the criteria that 40% of income earned had to be from events in Scotland.
-Reduced the percentage of events sector earnings to 25% (down from 40%)
-Not based on first come first served.
-Theatre, music and comedy productions are now included in the definition of events for the purposes of applying for the grant.
We strongly encourage everyone who was deemed ineligible in the first round to revisit this to see if you now fit the criteria.
It is very encouraging that funding bodies in Scotland are meeting with industry representatives and are willing to discuss criteria for these funds before releasing them and we will continue to work on behalf of our members to get the best possible outcome in these situations.
If you have found the work of Scottish Live Events Network useful please consider joining us. The more members we have the more we can do to represent the industry. Go to https://bectu.org.uk/join/ and include SLEN in your job title to be placed directly into the branch.